MYSPHERA SL is a fast-growing global company based in Valencia, Spain, dedicated to developing and commercialize our location & workflow systems that are tailored to the needs of acute care hospitals, which we have successfully proven in several installations world-wide and is already leading the Spanish market. Our vision is to empower Clinicians, Patients, and Healthcare Management worldwide with smart sensor-driven on-demand actionable information and data analytics to improve patient care outcomes while increasing efficient management of resources in hospitals, senior living, and patient homes. MYSPHERA's solution gives hospitals flexibility and speed, so they can analyze and react using real-time information, creating improved operational efficiency in their organization and safe hard money. Our goal is for them to realize a swift time-to-benefit and maximize their ROI. To reach this we are using our innovative real-time location platform SPHERAONE and our best-in-class software MYHOSPITAL.
